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Securing Containers Throughout the CI/CD Supply Chain With Conjur on Red Hat OpenShift

June 30, 2022

Modern companies use containers to distribute applications and orchestration methods to provision their presence in the cloud, allowing them to scale up or down as needed. But using containers and cloud-native applications increases the challenge of secrets management. That’s where a centralized secrets manager like CyberArk Conjur Secrets Manager, working together with Red Hat OpenShift, can help.

In this whitepaper, we’ll cover how Secrets Manager works with Red Hat OpenShift to:

  • Help keep cloud credentials secure
  • Manages the secrets required to access the infrastructure, data and other restricted resources
  • Use the Follow operator when deploying a Kubernetes cluster from within OpenShift

To learn more, check out the Conjur Secrets Manager product page.

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ESG Technical Validation for CyberArk Secrets Manager
ESG Technical Validation for CyberArk Secrets Manager

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JWT Authentication for CyberArk Conjur Secrets Manager

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