Trust Issues Podcast Playback: Udi Mokady on Identity Security’s Impact

September 30, 2022 David Puner

Trust Issues Podcast Playback: Udi Mokady on Identity Security’s Impact

The productivity secrets of highly effective leaders fascinate me – how they’re able to juggle numerous responsibilities, while still finding time to sharpen their skills. Everyone gets the same 24-hour day, but some people can seemingly stretch them out to do more.

As host of the Trust Issues podcast, I recently sat down with CyberArk’s Founder, Chairman and CEO, Udi Mokady, for a discussion grounded in Identity Security, with some scenic detours along the way. During both our on- and off-air chats, I wasn’t surprised to learn he’s got some productivity hacks of his own, one of which involves … podcasts. Mokady is a self-proclaimed podcast aficionado who catches up on his favorite titles during late-evening walks with his dog. It’s a healthy way to unwind, while actively listening and learning on the go.

This notion of impact – in finding new ways to tackle tasks or challenges for stronger effect – was a major theme in our broader, recorded conversation about Identity Security. For instance:

  • Years ago, the desire to help organizations solve a pervasive problem and make a meaningful impact led Mokady and his high school friend to come up with an entirely new way of securing companies’ most critical assets – what would later be known as Privileged Access Management.
  • Strong, impactful customer relationships built on trust and CyberArk’s commitment to staying around for the long term is what continues to shape CyberArk’s trajectory and Identity Security vision today.
  • Cyberattackers are constantly innovating and making their own indelible impact on the world. As ransomware, software supply chain attacks and new threats continue to evolve, security leaders are heroically defending their organizations with a strong sense of mission and an assume breach mindset. And they’re amplifying their impact by coming together to share best practices and collectively tackle challenges.
  • In a typical enterprise, machine identities now outnumber human identities by 45:1, and any one of these identities can be compromised by an attacker. There’s growing urgency to address this expanding identity problem with more impactful security that unifies and simplifies approaches so security teams can get more done and (finally) also have time for a good night’s sleep.

Check out my full conversation with Udi Mokady on the Trust Issues podcast. You can find it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and Google Podcasts – or (borrowing Sam Elliott’s golden pipes) … wherever you get your podcasts.

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Trust Issues Podcast Playback: Udi Mokady on Identity Security’s Impact
Trust Issues Podcast Playback: Udi Mokady on Identity Security’s Impact

The productivity secrets of highly effective leaders fascinate me – how they’re able to juggle numerous res...

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