Software Development Environments in the Real-World: Striking the Right Balance between Security and Innovation

March 28, 2024

What good is security if developers won’t use it?

In part 4 of our continuing webinar series supporting the upcoming O’Reilly book “Identity Security for Software Development”, we’ll examine a real-world case study of how a software development team builds their software.

Hint: security is key, but shouldn’t be so cumbersome that developers won’t use it. Focus should be on stakeholder needs, collaboration across the organization, and abstraction – the experience should be seamless, feeling native across the tools and techniques required.

Join two of CyberArk’s best and brightest, Principal Software Architect Shlomi Benita and R&D Manager Racheli Lotvin as we discuss:

Goals of a secure software development environment
Best practices from around the industry
Real life examples ranging from threat modeling and environment templates to training, adoption and incident response

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