OSS Changes Got You Down? Could SaaS be the Solution?

June 18, 2024

The rise of open source software was fast and furious – “free” software that was easy to try, customize, demo and build on…what could be better? But along the way, the challenges and hard truths with OSS have begun to raise their ugly heads. It requires a large dev staff to maintain and support; can often lead to sticker shock owing to expensive upgrades for key features along with a complex migration or upgrade path; not to mention security and maintenance concerns.

It’s no wonder that companies like HashiCorp have begun pivoting out from underneath their OSS licensing models. But the resultant there is broken trust and misaligned expectations between vendors and customers.

So what’s a company to do? Join CyberArk as we demo potential solutions like SaaS and recommended actions to protect your enterprise as OSS continues to evolve.


 John Walsh, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, CyberArk

 Darren Khan, Principal Solutions Engineer, CyberArk

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