Executive POV: Why Cloud Identity Security and Why It Seems So Hard

The cloud has had a profound impact on businesses, but that fast pace has created new security challenges. To achieve a secure posture, organizations need to solve the fundamental issue of “who should have access to what and when” in a pragmatic and holistic fashion.

Read our perspectives piece on how to build a phased approach to Cloud Security, authored by Charles Chu, General Manager, CyberArk Cloud Security. In this piece, you’ll learn:

  • Why Identity Security is an important priority when working in the cloud, for both digital-native companies and enterprises lifting and shifting workloads to the cloud.
  • Why cloud Identity Security is so challenging and how cloud-native architectures create new cybersecurity issues.
  • How a phased approach to first ensure compliance with industry regulations and then continue making improvements can help you make progress in securing the cloud.
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