Core Principles of Identity Security for Software Developers

March 22, 2024

The ever-evolving landscape of software development brings not only automation and AI but also new security challenges. While technology has automated many tasks, the human element remains a significant factor in software supply chain security risks. Developers now play a pivotal role in deciding which software libraries become part of the supply chain and have access to powerful non-human or workload identities.

These shifts have raised important questions for developers: What do they need to know about identity security to safeguard their applications and their organizations from potential breaches?

In this webinar, the authors of the upcoming O’Reilly book, "Identity Security for Software Development," will explore essential identity security concepts in a practical and actionable manner, making them relatable for developers.

Join us to hear more about:

Common identity security pitfalls that developers must watch out for.
Tips and strategies for achieving regulatory compliance effortlessly.
Real-world case studies illustrating how identity security can either make or break an application.
Actionable steps you can immediately implement to secure your application identities.

John Walsh, Principal Developer Security Expert, CyberArk
Robert Sawyer, Sr. Director, Solution Marketing, CyberArk
Uzi Ailon, VP DevSecOps Solutions, CyberArk

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