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Defense-in-Depth: How to Secure Access for All Identities

September 19, 2022

From third-party vendors and hybrid workers to DevOps teams and their workflows, the universe of identities accessing sensitive resources keeps expanding — and with it, the attack surface.

To defend against threats, organizations can adopt a defense-in-depth strategy that addresses security vulnerabilities across a range of layers, before bad actors can take advantage of them.

Security teams can get started by uncovering where security gaps exist across each layer — with a holistic focus on secure access for all forms of identity.

To help you begin this journey, we've created a framework based on five common layers of risk, with recommendations for defense-in-depth controls to protect those layers:

1. Setting a foundation with context-aware authentication
2. Protecting endpoints and enforcing least privilege
3. Monitoring and auditing high-risk web applications
4. Providing secure third-party access
5. Securing credentials at scale

Read our whitepaper for insights on how to develop a defense-in-depth approach. You’ll also find details on Identity Security solutions from CyberArk that can help reduce the attack surface.

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