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Protecting Identities: Expert Tips to Staying Ahead of Threats (GSI Expert Panel)

July 16, 2024

With the rise of new identities, environments, and attack methods, securing your organization against the identity-based threats is more complex than ever. Organizations grappling with securing resources across a hybrid and multi-cloud environment are now dealing with potential consequences from the rapid adoption of GenAI and increase in machine identities. Increasingly both – human and machine identities have access to sensitive data. Any compromised identity can lead to a breach making identity security initiatives a priority in cybersecurity programs. In this panel, experts from leading global system integrators will discuss the real-world challenges and insights to develop a robust identity security strategy.

Eduarda Camacho, Chief Operating Officer, CyberArk
Andrew Morrison, Partner / Principal, Deloitte
Hermal Shah, Partner / Principal, KPMG
Rich Kneeley, Cyber Defense and Engineering Leader, PwC
Sunil Patel, General Manager, Accenture

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