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How to Secure Developer Access in the Cloud Without Compromising Their Velocity

June 24, 2024

Developers are highly privileged identities with access to code repositories, databases and critical enterprise infrastructure, making them potential target for attackers. 

As organizations move to the cloud, they seek consistent, developer-friendly controls that secure their access to cloud-based workloads and SaaS applications without slowing their productivity down. 

This eBook explores how you can layer existing security solutions with the principles of Zero Standing Privileges (ZSP) to help your developers thrive in today’s cloud-first world. 
Read the eBook to learn about: 
- The importance of developer security in modern, cloud-first enterprises. 
- Implementing empathetic security practices that don’t hinder developer velocity. 
- Using time, entitlements and approvals (TEA) to manage developer access within sensitive cloud environments.  

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