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Identity Security in the Modern Enterprise or: What You Need as a Developer

March 6, 2024

If you caught us last time, we mentioned that our
continuing fireside chats on the topic of identity security for software
development – corresponding with our ongoing chapter drops of our upcoming
O’Reilly book of the same name – are now official a series.

Buzzwordy marketing title notwithstanding, we’re back and going to be
shifting our focus from a higher, business-level perspective to get into some
key issues that impact you, as a developer (or friend of a developer), on a daily

We’ll talk about:

  • The shift from job boundaries to shared responsibilities.
  • How to work within your security culture.
  • Common attack types and how to avoid them.
  •  And more!


  • Robert Sawyer, Sr. Director, Solutions Marketing
  • Shlomo Heigh, Senior Software Engineer
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