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Secure Your External Users' Access to Enterprise Applications

March 6, 2023

External, business-to-business (B2B) users play an essential role in helping your enterprise transform, grow and compete. Depending on your industry, the path to success requires an ecosystem of affiliates, clients, contractors, dealerships, franchises, partners, suppliers and/or vendors.

  • All of your external B2B users have a role to play. 
  • All of them require access to your organizations’ applications, portals and services to play their roles.
  • And unfortunately, all of these users are vulnerable to identity-focused attacks.

Across your workforce, any identity can become privileged depending on the circumstances. The same holds true for the identities of external B2B users. In many cases, when they gain access to an organization’s apps, portals or services, they’re also gaining access to sensitive internal resources such as corporate data. 

How can IT and security teams provide secure access to external B2B users — in a way that balances protection and productivity? Read our whitepaper for best practices on:

  1. Secure and user-friendly authentication.
  2. Centralized storage and management of identity information.
  3. Delegated identity administration capabilities (and developer tools).
  4. Automated processes and tasks for identity management.

Learn about how CyberArk can help enterprises provide secure access for their external B2B users.

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