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NIS2 Compliance : An Identity Security Guidebook

January 29, 2024

The EU’s Network and Information Systems 2 (NIS2) directive is intended to help organizations improve their resilience against cyberattacks. Notably, NIS2 places a key focus on securing critical infrastructure and reducing supply chain risks stemming from third party vendors.

But that’s just a high-level summary. Today’s security teams need to know the specifics – controls, processes and reporting requirements – for achieving NIS2 compliance. This eBook provides the details your team needs to:

  • Understand NIS2 and how it applies to your organization.
  • Determine what’s changed since the original NIS directive.
  • Map specific controls to NIS2 requirements, relevant to a wide range of identities and across cloud and on-prem environments.

Complying with security regulations like NIS2 is complex and the stakes keep rising. Enterprises with high levels of non-compliance saw the average cost of a data breach increase 12.6% to $5.05 million in 2023.1 Download this eBook today and learn how you can reduce risk, defend against attacks, and streamline compliance initiatives through a comprehensive identity security strategy.

1. IBM, “2023 Cost of a Data Breach Report,” 2023

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