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A New O'Reilly Book Chapter Preview: How to Build a Developer-First Cloud Security Program

August 2, 2024

Engineers who code are the most valuable asset for the modern digital enterprise. They are, quite literally, building the future of your organization. Modern businesses rely on software development. And software development relies on developer access. Because of this, developers hold the power to limit bad security choices—or ignore good security choices that limit them.

In this webinar, join our team for tips on how to turn your Cloud Security strategy into a program that centers on exceptional developer experience. And be one of the first to preview our new O'Reilly Book titled, "Identity Security for Software Development.

They’ll discuss:

  • Defining the need for a shift to developer-first cloud security
  • Creating empathy in culture and technology
  • Establishing cloud security practices that are a support instead of an obstacle for developers


John Walsh, Author of Identity Security for Software Development

Josh Kirkwood, Sr. Product Marketing Manager, CyberArk

Alyssa Miles, Product Marketing Manager 

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