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Secure Access for the Identities Driving Your Key Initiatives

July 27, 2023

When virtually all (99%) of IT security decision-makers agree they’ll face an identity-related compromise in the year ahead, it’s important to understand why. According to the CyberArk 2023 Identity Security Threat Landscape Report, the top three reasons are:

1. Digital transformation (58%).
2. Remote/hybrid work (44%).
3. Third-party contributors (44%).

What’s the connection? Threat actors are targeting the users who contribute daily to organizations’ key cloud and digital initiatives – many of whom have more access than needed, with credentials that are insufficiently protected. And these attackers are finding new ways to work around traditional access tools that often aren’t designed to secure identities in today’s complex environments. 

In this whitepaper, you’ll learn about best practices for:

  • Reducing the risk of credential compromise.
  • Securing passwords with enterprise-grade protection.
  • Gaining visibility and security for employees’ web sessions.
  • Balancing security and streamlined UX for external B2B users.
  • Automating identity management to reduce risk.

Read the whitepaper to learn ways to protect your organization’s most important initiatives.

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