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Buyers Checklist: Identity Workflow Automation Solutions

January 20, 2023

IT and security teams are often hindered by manual, error-prone tasks and processes such as:

  • Connecting dots between applications, data, events, provisioning and services.
  • Building workflows and integrating systems through complex coding and scripting.

This approach introduces risk as enterprises grow and add applications. One missed step can enable attackers to exploit accounts that are misprovisioned, orphaned or overprivileged.
Read our checklist containing vendor-agnostic recommendations to help you find identity management solutions with the workflow automation capabilities you need for:

  • Onboarding and offboarding users.
  • Provisioning and deprovisioning access for high-risk identities and accounts.
  • Defining and enforcing roles, responsibilities, access rights and permissions.
  • Synchronizing identity data across applications, directory stores and repositories.
  • Reviewing and acting on real-time threat intelligence.

To learn more about CyberArk Identity Management solutions, read about our capabilities across:

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